Sentence Patterns

"Sentence patterns" is just another way talk about the way a sentence is put together; the order of the elements in the sentence; sentence construction. Some sources say there are six English sentence patterns; some say eight. A few sources list even more. Here are the ones we feel are the most common, and the easiest to recognize:

1.  Subject + Verb (S-V)

This is the simplest kind of sentence.  It consists of a subject, a verb, and possibly some adjectives, adverbs,  or prepositional phrases.  There are no direct objects, indirect objects, or complements.

2.  Verb + Subject (V-S)

Sentences in English usually have the subject come first, followed by the verb. But when a sentence begins with there is, there was, there are, there were, the verb comes first, followed by the subject. The word There is never a subject!

3.  Subject + Verb + Direct Object (S-V-DO)

4.  Subject + Verb + Complement (S-V-SC)

A complement is a word or group of words that describe or rename the subject. Complements follow a linking verb.  There are two kinds of subject complements:  1) predicate nominative, which is a noun or pronoun that renames or classifies the subject of the sentence and 2) predicate adjective, which is an adjective that describes the subject of the sentence.

5.  Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object (S-V-IO-DO)

An indirect object tells for whom or to whom. If the indirect object comes after the direct object (in a prepositional phrase "to ________" or "for _______"), the sentence pattern is shown as S-V-DO-IO.  Pronouns are usually used as indirect objects (but not always).

6.  Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Object Complement (S-V-DO-OC)

This pattern isn't as common as the others, but it is used.  An object complement is a word or group of words that renames, describes, or classifies the direct object.  Object complements are nouns or adjectives and follow the object.

Sentence Pattern Quiz

Some patterns in using clauses:

1.  Independent  clause:   We are happy about the approaching holiday season.

2.  Two independent clauses joined with a coordinating conjunctionWe are happy about the approaching holiday season, and we look forward to a prosperous new year.

3.  Two independent clauses, with no conjunction:  We are happy about the approaching holiday season; we look forward to a prosperous new year.

4.  Two independent clauses with an independent marker (therefore, moreover, thus, consequently, however, also are some):  We are happy about the approaching holiday season; furthermore, we look forward to a prosperous new year.

5.  Dependent marker (because, since, while, although, if, until, when, as, after, then are some), dependent clause, independent clause:  Because we are happy about the approaching holiday season, we are planning many parties and gatherings with friends.

6.  Independent clause, dependent marker, dependent clause:  We are planning many parties and gatherings with friends, because we are happy about the approaching holiday season.

7.  First part of an independent clause, unneeded clause or phrase, the rest of the independent clause:  We are planning many parties and gatherings, including formal and informal, with friends.

8.  First part of an independent clause, essential clause or phrase, the rest of the independent clause:  We who are happy about the approaching holiday season are planning many parties and gatherings, formal and informal, with friends.


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